If you work for a non-profit in El Paso and Southern New Mexico and don’t think you can afford the time to use social media, you should know the truth is you can’t afford not to when it comes to getting donors to take action. A new report from charity monitor GuideStar reveals the types of information donors want from a non-profit organization including:

  • >The financial picture, including how an organization spends its money
  • >That a nonprofit is legitimate
  • >The basics of the organization—its mission, approach, and make up
  • >The breadth and depth of the cause
  • >The nonprofit’s impact

“Some of the information donors want, such as financials, is fairly easy to come by,” the report More Money for Good says. “In fact, donors state they are able to find each of the first four items on the list without much difficulty.”

The obstacle for donors comes with not knowing the non-profit’s impact. They want to know about more than a list of programs being offered. They want to hear the organization’s story to make sure their dollars are going to make a difference. Photos from an annual event posted on your website aren’t going to cut it.

“The first step is collecting and organizing the right information about your organization, your strategies, your successes, and how you are changing the world for the better,” says the report. (The free guidebook for non-profits by GuideStar and Hope Consulting can be downloaded here).

The next step is to communicate your organization’s stories to show how you are changing the world. This is where many non-profits in the El Paso and Southern New Mexico area are challenged. According to an  analysis of the non-profits sector in El Paso County, Texas by Helix Solutions, “nearly 63% of the public charities in El Paso produce annual revenues of a quarter of million dollars or less.” Many operate on a shoestring and don’t have communications staff, or even administrative staff to develop a communications strategy. But unless a group has a major angel benefactor or a never-ending grant, the major source of revenue is dependent on donors – which is why it is important to self-publish stories that show impact.

Social Media is a no-cost or low-cost way to reach potential donors who are researching your non-profit and reinforce relationships with current donors. It does take a small investment of time up front for training and planning, but organizations can quickly set up efficient workflows and soon see it become part of the routine.

Adding a Facebook account, a Twitter feed and a blog are the simplest ways to publish your own information instead of just relying on an annual report or hoping the media put out a blurb based on your press release and  a donor will tune in at the moment of broadcast.

The United Way of El Paso County had a great website with a lot of data for donors, but decided to add a WordPress blog to tell the stories reflecting the impact the organization’s programs were having on the community.

The blog posts don’t have to be long stories. They can be quick updates on programs. They can be announcements that reinforce the organization’s mission and partnerships.

Setting up a planning template can help build an editorial calendar that ties into the organization’s goals and becomes a guide to prompt content ideas.

You can get some ideas on how non-profits are using social media in this PDF from the Red Rooster Group.

You can also follow @digitalegre on Twitter or like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DigitAlegre where we post general tips on social media as well as highlight news and ideas from the El Paso digital community. If you’re feeling really lost, drop us a note here  and we’ll try to help.