Here are some links and examples for free or low-cost tools for presenting information on the web.
Mobile Social Digital Tools – Communication Professionals are having to get very creative in the field to keep up with “digital first” strategies. Inspired by the modern newsroom, this session takes a look at some cool apps and tech trends that are transforming ways we can engage audiences. Learn about low-cost ways to generate high quality content quickly for different platforms across the digital ecosystem. This includes tips on time hacks and content tactics to keep your brand fresh on social media channels.
Here’s the Powerpoint montage of updates from Online News Association conference and other sources for multi-platform content development (64 mb file)
Older items
Databases / Visualizations
freeDive: “Transforms Google Spreadsheets into searchable databases that can be embedded in web sites.”
Timeline: “TimelineJS can pull in media from different sources. It has built in support for: Twitter, Flickr, Google Maps, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Wikipedia & SoundCloud”
Aggregation / Curation
Storyful: Helps journalists filter breaking news, trending stories and local sources from social media
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