Long known as “The Sun City,” El Paso is starting to realize the power of its fair weather blessing as more than a tourism slogan. The El Paso Times reports the city today dedicated its new solar-powered performance pavilion and public charging station Downtown.
The pavilion, at 605 N. Santa Fe Street, according to the city’s solar project’s website” is a shaded yet light-filled gathering and performance space with an elaborate detailed ceiling, paying homage to the original Aztec calendar and casting light play onto the ground below.
The pavilion has AC power outlets for public use and ” includes the ability to feed unused solar energy back into the City’s power grid as well as a means for the public to view metrics on solar use and collection.”
The pavilion is the latest in a series of solar projects the city is implementing. The lighting at the long-term parking lot at the airport was converted to solar in 2010, city pools are converting to solar heating and plans are being made for the main library to be equipped with a solar energy system. Read more about it on the city site here.
If you’d like to stop by the pavilion to power up or check out the sun art, here’s the map.
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